"Secrets of Ourselves" The international trailer

This film is about human abilities from the stand point. Throughout the film we show the audience that human being is capable of coming through a tremendous change; s/he is capable of influencing on the surrounding world as well as on herself/himself. Our journey takes us to the foundations of our "I"
Фильм о возможностях человека с разных точек зрения.
В этом фильме мы попробуем рассказать и показать, что человек способен меняться, он способен влиять на окружающий мир и самого себя. Мы хотим разобраться в вопросе, чем же является наше Я.

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70 Ways to Increase Brain Power

You Want More Brain power - Not Higher IQ Scores!

Okay, maybe you want higher IQ scores too. The American Heritage Dictionary defines Intelligence Quotient as "The ratio of tested mental age to chronological age, usually expressed as a quotient multiplied by 100."

Basically, it's a test of intelligence, with 100 as the average score. There are some problems with IQ tests however.

A recent IQ test asked which of four fruits was different. It was the one with more than one seed; but what if you were not familiar with these fruits? Obviously this test is culturally biased. You are assumed to have certain knowledge, yet you are being tested for intelligence, not knowledge.

Now look at these letters: "ANLDEGN." Rearrange them and you'll have the name of a(n): Ocean, Country, State, City or Animal. This is from an IQ test I took. Hmm... There are very few oceans, so I could eliminate those - but wait a second! That's a test taking technique. An intelligence test shouldn't be testing your test-taking ability. I'm bound to score higher than a person of equal intelligence who hasn't learned simple techniques for scoring higher on multiple - choice tests.

Real Life Results Versus Scores

Now let me ask you a question. What was Henry Fords IQ? Who cares! The man was one of the most innovative people of the last century, and he did what he did by surrounding himself with intelligent people.

That practice alone has to be worth more than 20 IQ points in terms of real life results.

Real life results are what you want, right? So if you want to be more creative, learn to use creative problem solving techniques. If you want to concentrate better, there are techniques for that. Learn to speed-read and you'll have double the knowledge in the same time. After you paint your first Mona Lisa, build your first skyscraper or make your first million, what will your IQ score be? Who cares!?

Okay, an imperfect test is better than no test at all, and it is entertaining. I just took an IQ test, and although I don't think my IQ is really the 138 it showed, it was fun. If you really want to, you can try a free IQ test on my website http://www.IncreaseBrainPower.com. Of course you'll score higher on a good day than a bad day, so try these tips to make it a good IQ test day:

70 Ways to Better Brainpower -
(In no particular order.)

1. Breath deep. More air in means more oxygen in the blood and therefore in the brain. Breath through your nose and you'll notice that you use your diaphragm more, drawing air deeper into your lungs. Several deep breaths can also help to relax you, which is conducive to clearer thinking.

2. Meditate. A simple meditation you can do right now is just closing your eyes and paying attention to your breath. Tensing up your muscles and then relaxing them to start may help. When your mind wanders, just bring your attention back to your breath. Five or ten minutes of this will usually relax you, clear your mind, and leave you more ready for any mental task.

3. Sit up straight. Posture affects your thinking process. Prove it to yourself by doing math in your head while slouching, looking at the floor and letting your mouth hang open. Then do the mental math while sitting up straight, keeping your mouth closed and looking forward or slightly upwards. You'll notice that it's easier to think with the latter posture.

4. Phosphotidyl Serine (PS). This supplement has been shown in clinical studies to increase lucidity and rate of learning. It activates cell-to-cell communication, helps regulate cell growth, improves the functioning of the special receptors found on cells, and prepares cells for activity. In other words, it can help your brain power. It's also thought to reverse memory decline. Phosphatidylserine has no known adverse side effects.

5.Vinpocetine. This extract, derived from an alkaloid found in the Periwinkle plant, is used as a cerebral vasodilator. It increases blood flow to the brain, which improves its oxygenation and thereby increases mental alertness and acuity. Research suggests it may also be the most powerful memory enhancer available to date.

6. Gingko Biloba. The leaves of this tree have been proven to increase blood flow to the brain. The trees are often planted in parks. My friends and I used to eat a few leaves when we wanted a brain boost. It is also inexpensive, if you buy the capsules or tea at any health food store.

7. Saint John's Wort. This is a common weed that may be growing in your yard. Although it's brain enhancing qualities are less documented (studies do show it's usefulness for treating long-term depression), many people swear by it's temporary mood-elevating effect, and our brains tend to function better when we are happy. It is inexpensive, but I used to just collect it in the yard and make tea of it. (Hyperacum Perforatum, if you want to look it up by it's botanical name.)

8. Good thinking habits.
Just use a problem solving technique for several weeks and it will become a habit. Redesign everything you see for a while, and that will become a habit. You can develop many good thinking habits with some effort, and then be more resourceful effortlessly from that point on. Use the power of habit.

9. Use dead time. This is time that is otherwise wasted or just under-utilized. Driving time, time spent in waiting rooms, or even time spent raking your yard can be included in this. With a tape player and a trip to a public library, you can start to use this time to listen to books-on-tape. You may spend 200 hours a year in your car. What could you learn in that time?

10. Learn a language.
Learning a new language has been shown to halt the age-related decline in brain function. It also introduces your mind to new concepts and new ways of looking at things (in English we are afraid, whereas in Spanish we have fear). It is one of the best brain exercises.

11. Rosemary.
This common herb may have an effect on the brain when the scent is inhaled. We are waiting for the research, but some people swear that just sniffing rosemary wakes up their brain. It seems safe, so if you have rosemary in your spice rack, give it a try.

12. Mindfulness exercises. Concentration and clear thinking are more or less automatic once you remove distractions. Learn to stop and watch your busy mind. As you notice things that are subtly bothering you, deal with them. This might mean making a phone call you need to make, or putting things on a list so you can forget them for now. With practice, this becomes easier, and your thinking becomes more powerful.

13. Write. Writing is good for your mind in a number of ways. It is a way to tell your memory what is important, so you'll recall things more easily in the future. It is a way to clarify your thinking. It is a way to exercise your creativity and analytical ability. Diaries, idea-journals, poetry, note-taking and story-writing are all ways to use writing to boost your brain power.

14. Listen to Mozart.
In a study at the University of California, researchers found that children who studied piano and sang daily in chorus, were much better at solving puzzles, and when tested, scored 80% higher in spatial intelligence than the non-musical group. In another study, 36 students were given three spatial reasoning tests on a standard IQ test. Just before the first test, they listened to Mozart's sonata for Two Pianos in D Major, K. 448 for ten minutes. Before the second test, they listened to a relaxation tape. Before the third, they sat in silence. The average scores for all 36 students: 1st test: 119. 2nd test: 111. 3rd test: 110. A nine-point boost from Mozart!

15. Develop your intuition. Intuition can be an important part of brainpower. Einstein and others have relied heavily on their intuitive hunches. See Chapter 25 for tips on how to develop your intuition.

16. Avoid foods that cause subtle allergies. These can include wheat, corn, peanuts and dairy products. Watch yourself to see if you have a problem with any of these. They cause digestive problems and brain fog in some people.

17. Sleep better.
As long as you get a certain amount of sleep - probably a minimum of five hours - the quality seems to be more important than the quantity. Also, short naps in the afternoon seem to work well to recharge the brain for some people.

18. Caffeine. The research shows higher test scores for students who drink coffee before major exams. My chess game gets better. In other studies, it has been shown that too much caffeine leads to poorer quality decisions. Caffeine affects individuals differently, and has some nasty long-term side effects for some of us, but short-term - it works!

19. Avoid sugar. Any simple carbohydrates can give you "brain fog." Sometimes called the "sugar blues" as well, this sluggish feeling makes it hard to think clearly. It results from the insulin rushing into the bloodstream to counteract the sugar rush. Avoid pasta, sugars, white bread and potato chips before any important mental tasks.

20. Hypnosis audios. The power of suggestion is real, and one way to use it is with hypnosis tapes, CD's or downloads. This type of brain "programing" has more evidence for it than subliminals.

21. Speed reading. Contrary to what many believe, your comprehension of material often goes up when you learn to speed-read. You get to learn a lot more in less time, and it is definitely a good brain exercise.

22. Exercise. Long term exercise can boost brainpower, which isn't surprising. Anything that affects physical health in a positive way probably helps the brain too. Recent research, though, shows that cognitive function is improved immediately after just ten minutes of aerobic exercise. If you need a brain recharge, you might want to walk up and down the stairs a few times.

23. Imaginary friends. Talking to and getting advice from characters in your mind can be a great way to access the information in your subconscious mind. Imagine a conversation with a person who has a lot of knowledge in the area you want advice in.

24. Develop your creativity. Creativity gives power to your thinking. Raw computation can be done by computers now, but humans provide the creative thought that shapes our world. See Chapter 24 for tips on developing your creativity.

25. Learn more efficiently. When you decide to learn something, take notes from the start. Leave each "learning session" with a question or two in mind, to create anticipation and curiosity. Take short breaks, so there will be more beginnings and endings to your studies (Things learned at the beginning or ending of a class or session are remembered better).

26. Use techniques for clear thinking.
Cluttered rooms and offices can contribute to cluttered thinking. Organize a space for mental work. Sigh, stretch, and take a deep breath before you start on a tough mental job. Plan some distraction-free time for brainstorming.

27. Brain wave entrainment.
The newest brain wave entrainment products are powerful tools for altering your brain function. Some will almost immediately relax you, while others will put your brain waves in a pattern that is most conducive to analytical thinking.

A Book of Secrets
How To Read Minds, Save Money, Boost Brainpower, Get Lucky,
See The Real News, Find Treasure, Subliminally Persuade People,
Buy Real Estate With No Money Down - And That's Just The Beginning!
Learn more here...

28. Creatine. This is a compound found in meat, used by athletes to help build muscle. Now the evidence is here to show that it helps your brain as well. Proceedings B , a journal published by the Royal Society reports that the research showed improvement in working memory and general intelligence resulting from creatine supplementation. The dose used in the study was 5 grams per day. This is about the level used to boost sports performance, and is as much as you'd normally get in four pounds of meat, according to lead researcher Dr. Caroline Rae.

29. Talk.
Talking is only good for the brain if you are actually exercising it, of course. Try explaining something that you don't understand very well to a friend, though, and you'll notice that the process of explaining will help you clarify your understanding.

30. Do something you enjoy.
This is a way to both lower stress and rev up your brain. The key is to do something active. Watching TV doesn't count. Whether it is playing Scrabble or building birdhouses, when you are actively engaged in an activity that you enjoy, you worry less about things and you start to think better.

31. Adjust your beliefs.
Believe you are smarter, and you'll become smarter. For this, affirmations may work, but even better is evidence. Make a note of your successes. Tell yourself, "Hey, that was really creative," when you do something creative. When you have a good idea, make a note of it. Gather the evidence for your own intelligence and you'll start to experience more of it.

32. Brain exercises.
Do math in your mind while driving. Think of a new use for everything you see. Regular use of the brain has been shown to generate new neuronal growth, and even halt the decline of mental function that often comes with age.

33. Learn new things.
This is another way to exercise the brain. It can also be done with little time investment if you use books-on-tapes while driving.

34. Walk.
Exercise has been shown to benefit the brain, and walking is one of the best exercises for many. It is low impact, and the rhythmic nature of it seems to put you in a state that is very conducive to clear thinking. In fact, carry a tape recorder with you to take notes, and a twenty minute walk can be a great way to solve problems.

35. Model others. Find others that are creative, intelligent, or very productive. Do what they do, and think what they think. This is a key principle of neuro-linguistic programming. Be careful about taking their advice, though. Successful people often don't really understand why they are successful. Do what they do, not what they say.

36. Eat fish. Eating fish actually speeds up brain waves, and improves concentration. Researchers have also found an almost perfect correlation between intake of fish and lowered levels of depression in the various countries of the world. The U.S. has 24 times the incidence of depression as Japan, for example, where fish intake is much higher.

37. Avoid unnecessary arguments.
When you defend a position too vigorously, especially when it is just to "win" the argument, you invest our ego into it. This is not conducive to the easy acceptance and use of new information. In other words, you put your mind in a rut, and you dig it deeper with each argument. Debate can be a valuable thing, but when the ego takes over, the mind closes a little. This is not a recipe for better thinking.

38. Laugh. The release of endorphins caused by laughter lowers stress levels, which is good for long term brain health. Laughter also tends to leave you more open to new ideas and thoughts.

39. Play. Stimulating the brain causes measurable changes in the structure of the brain. New connections are made and new brain cells are grown. Intellectual play, as well as any playing that involves hand-eye coordination stimulates the brain.

40. Do puzzles. Crossword puzzles, lateral thinking puzzles, and even good riddles are a great way to get brain exercise. You can work on them while waiting for a dentist appointment, or on the bus, if you are short on time.

41. Sing. When you are alone in your car, try singing about something you are working on. This taps into and exercises your right brain. Have you ever noticed how it is easier to rhyme when you sing than when you just speak or write? This is because the right brain is better at pattern recognition. By doing this brain exercise regularly you can train yourself to tap into the power of the right brain. This will make you a more effective problem-solver. If you doubt the distinction between the hemispheres of the brain, look at how stutterers can stop stuttering as soon as they start singing. Try it.

42. Nuts. University students in Brazil and other South American countries often eat several Brazil nuts before an exam, believing they are good for their mental power. The evidence is starting to confirm this. Other nuts that have minerals and amino acids that are beneficial to the brain include almonds and walnuts.

43. Olive oil. High in mono-unsaturated fat, olive oil has been shown to improve memory. A cheaper alternative is canola oil, but this hasn't been studied much yet.

44. Vitamin supplements.
In studies, children scored higher on tests when on a regimen of daily vitamin supplements. "Experts" will tell you that if you eat a balanced diet, you don't need supplements, which, given the culture here, is really just a sales pitch for vitamins, isn't it? Who eats a perfectly balanced diet?

45. Fiber. It isn't just what goes in, but what comes out that is important to brain function. Toxic build-up in the body and brain can cause "brain fog." People often report clearer thinking as one of the benefits of curing their constipation.

46. Self awareness. This may not seem important to brain power, but it is. When you know yourself better, you can avoid the usual effects of ego and emotion in your seemingly "rational" thinking. Or you can at least take it into account. Watch yourself, especially as you explain things or argue.

47. Motivate yourself.
Motivation is as important to mental tasks as it is to any other. Learn a few simple techniques for self motivation. You can start with those in Chapter 8.

48. Avoid too much stress.
Neuropsychiastrist Richard Restak, M.D., form the George Washington University School of Medicine and Health Services, sums up the research thus: "Stress causes brain damage." Long term stress has repeated been shown to hurt the brain, not to mention the rest of the body. Learn a few stress reduction techniques if you get stressed out often.

49. Get educated. Scientists have known for a while that the less educated get alzheimer's more frequently. Education in any area seems to make the brain stronger.

50. Avoid too much fat. In laboratory studies, animals consistently learn slower when they are on a diet high in fat. Type of fat may make a difference, so you may want to stick to using olive oil and other non-saturated fats. Saturated fats have been shown to actually stunt the growth of brain cells.

51. Eat less. Overeating has the immediate effect of redirecting more blood to the digestive process, leaving less for the brain. Long term, it can cause arterial obstructions that reduce blood flow to the brain permanently. In at least one study, rats on a restricted-calorie diet had more brainpower.

52. Avoid suspect foods. There is evidence that the following foods can be bad for your brain: Artificial food colorings, artificial sweeteners, colas, corn syrup, frostings, high-sugar drinks, hydrogenated fats, sugars, white bread, and any white-flour products.

53. Eat breakfast.
When kids who didn't eat breakfast started to eat it, researchers found that their math scores went up a whole grade on average.

54. Avoid diabetes. The development of diabetes coincides with a dropping of IQ scores. In other words, if you want to maintain your brain power, follow your doctors dietary recommendations for preventing or treating diabetes.

55. Eat foods high in antioxidants.
Antioxidants protect all your cells, including brain cells. Some of the foods highest in antioxidants include: prunes, raisins, blueberries, blackberries, garlic, kale, cranberries, strawberries, spinach, and raspberries. In one test, rats had age-related mental decline reversed by eating the equivalent of a 1/2 cup of blueberries per day.

56. Drink wine.
In moderation, red wine can be good for the brain, it seems. It is rich in antioxidants, which protect brain cells. One glass per day for women and two for men is usually considered a safe and moderate amount.

57. Use alcohol in moderation. In a study at the University of Indiana School of Medicine, elderly light drinkers (fewer than 4 drinks per week) scored higher on tests of thinking abilities than non-drinkers. Those who drank 10 or more drinks per week scored lower. It is known that alcohol can kill brain cells, so moderation seems to be the key.

58. Folic acid. According to one study, 200 micrograms of folic acid, the amount found in 3/4 cup of cooked spinach, alleviates depression and reverses memory loss.

59. Potential brain foods.
Other foods that may be good for your brain include: Avocados, bananas, lean beef, brewer's yeast. broccoli, brown rice, brussel sprouts, cantaloupe, cheese, chicken, collard greens, eggs, flaxseed oil, legumes, oatmeal, oranges, peanut butter, peas, potatoes, romaine lettuce, salmon, soybeans, spinach, tuna, turkey, wheat germ, and yogurt.

60. Vitamin E. Jean Carper, in researching her book, "Your Miracle Brain," found that many brain researchers are taking 400 I.U.s of vitamin E daily. It is an antioxidant, and reduces the clogging of blood vessels, including those going in the brain.

61. Vitamin C. Taken in the form of orange juice in a study at the Texas Women's University, vitamin C increased the IQ scores of children.

62. Selenium.
100 micrograms of selenium has been shown to be a mood-elevator. Your brain almost certainly functions better when you are in a better mood. Foods rich in selenium include Brazil nuts and garlic.

63. Alpha-lipoic acid. Alpha-lipoic acid (10 to 50 milligrams daily) improves memory and protects nerve cells.

64. Inositol. This is a safe and natural substance that is often grouped with the B-vitamins. It reduces stress and promotes clear thinking. It contributes to energy production, and so can "wake you up." Animal studies show a measurable increase in physical activity for up to five hours after taking it.

65. Huperzine A.
This is a compound extracted from the Chinese club moss. Researchers both in Israel and the U.S. have used it to treat alzheimer's. It improves memory and learning an seems to be very safe.

66. Ask questions. This is a great way to keep your brain in shape. Just get in the habit of asking questions often, even if it is only in your own mind. Why are taller buildings better? what is the purpose of curbs? Ask anything that comes to mind, and ponder the possible answers.

67. Sniff basil.
This another of the herbs that may be good for your brain. No studies yet, but many report a brain boost from smelling basil.

68. Temperature.
Many people have noted that they think better at certain temperatures. In general, it seems that being slightly cool, but not uncomfortable, is most conducive to good thinking. Try experimenting on yourself to see what temperature works best for you.

69. Use systems. From the time I was ten years old, 12 x 49 was always (12 x 50) - 12. It's easier to figure in your head this way (588, by the way). I didn't get any credit for my personal algorithms then, but they are selling these shortcuts on late-night TV now, because they work. You can find your own easier ways to do mental math or other mental tasks, or read a good book on them.

70. Make a brain power plan.
It takes about twenty to thirty days of repetition to establish new habits, many psychologists will tell you. This means that when you create your plan for better brainpower, be sure you plan to use that new problem solving technique, or eat those new brain foods for at least three weeks. You can use many of the brain boosters here and get immediate results, but it is creating new habits that will give you the most brainpower. 

By Steve Gillman. Excerpt from Chapter 5 of A Book of Secrets

If you have any experience please share with your fellow..... 

Tere Mast Mast Do Nain-Dabangg

i love this songs

Tere Mast Mast Do Nain - Dabangg ::: Lyrics And English Translation

Movie: Dabangg
Music : Sajid - Wajid
Singer : Rahat Fateh Ali Khan
Lyrics: Faiz Anwar

Ever wonder there are so many songs written about the eye of the Loved one... May be because eyes are the best in conveying Love. Without speaking a word, eyes can say a lot. This soft melody will make you drown in the eyes of your beloved... Enjoy the soothing voice of Rahat Fateh Ali Khan and take the dream ride...

Takte Rehte Tujhko Sanjh Savere
I was looking at you from dawn to dusk

Nainon Mein Basya Jaise Nain Yeh Tere
Your eyes have been united with mine

Tere Mast Mast Do Nain Mere Dil Ka Le Gaye Chain
Your pretty eyes have stole the serenity of my heart

Mere Dil Ka Le Gaye Chain Tere Mast Mast Do Nain
My heart's serenity has been stolen by your pretty eyes

Pehle Pehal Tujhe Dekha Tho Dil Mera
Earlier seeing you, my heart

Dhadka Haye Dhadka, Dhadka Haaye
Tends to beat faster

Jal Jal Uda Hoon Main, Shola Jo Pyar Ka
I am burning in the fire of love

Bhadka Haaye Bhadka, Bhadka Haaye
And it's burst

Neendon Mein Gul Gaye Hai Sapne Jo Tere
Your dreams have become so much part of my sleep that

Badle Se Lag Rahe Hain Andaaz Mere
My attitude has changed

Mahi Beaab Sa, Dil Yeh Betab Sa
Dear my heart is restless

Tadpa Jaye Tadpa, Tadpa Jaye
And keep on torturing me

Nainon Ki Jheel Mein Utra Tha Yun Hi Dil
Falling to the stream of your eyes

Dooba Jayee Dooaa Jayee, Dooba Jayee
My hearts is drowning in it

Hosho Hawas Ab Tho Khone Lage Hai
I am loosing my consciousness now

Hum Bhi Deewane Tere Hone Lage Hai
And became crazy for you.

Created By Rabi

Star of Stars ...jaane kahan gaye wo din - mera naam jokar

There are just no words to justify this soulful composition....its sad that such compositions are not made anymore ...

Created By Rabi

7 Year Old Raps Ke$ha - We R Who We R (Cover/Remix) MattyBRaps

lovely cute boy....

Pranav Mistry talks about the thrilling potential of SixthSense technolo...

Amazing technologies...

genius Doing India Proud .....Pranav hats off 2 u....

Created By Rabi

A Untitled love story

Right now 2:10am on Monday... Where ill wake up in morning before 7am. But one movie that 'i hate love story' completely watched and turned off laptop and wrote a sms but i cant send coz i know my network unable to delivery in that land. My right side chest lil bit  paining .. finally i leaved social network washed my mind from ukrine . But here i saved a beauti ful moments which past  one of the best friendship in my life. I don't know where is my future or after 2years .... Now im with my good memorized . Much more paining sometimes.... Its happening only in love story film, hahaha my life not a b/w film or color .. Its natural need to seee real .. Let do the job earn money enjoy life . see my destiny its doing very cruel with me... who can see tomorrow its true ..... That was a tragedy for me.. ohhh thanks god i leaved smoke... should i leave this luv. Gud night.

-Your Rabi.

The acts of this life are the destiny of the next.

After long day I’m online continuously and spend more time with social network. It’s reminding me some incidents. I would like to thanks to Someone for whom I can able to do this and changed my life. After destroy my internet, I can lives without internet in my bedroom. All day I’m working at office then TV serials then some books … Nearly I had some exams, so that easily I was able avoid my habit. I’m running with pre-prepared routine. Now no headache no many pains … live like a usual and normal life. Your life feels different on you, once you greet death and understand your heart's position. You wear your life like a garment from the mission bundle sale ever after -- lightly because you realize you never paid nothing for it, cherishing because you know you won't ever come by such a bargain again.When I hear somebody sigh, "Life is hard," I am always tempted to ask, "Compared to what?" Without some goal and some effort to reach it, no one can live. One word frees us of all the weight and pain of life that word is LOVE. Still yet I've kept secretly my dreams in my heart. Ohh ..Today is 10 Oct 2010, From Internet seen ...it's a special day for us. But this day in Morning was not so good for me and my family. Early Morning I was at hospital with my sister. Well now she is little better. …. wait until Tonight…

Ja rahe ho agar

jaa rahe ho agar duur mujhse sanam - 2
If you are going to be away from me, love,
phir mere paas aana nahi
Then don't come near me
yeh bhi mumkin nahi main palat na saku
It is not possible, I won't be able to turn back
isliye itna wada karo o o o
Therefore, promise me this much,
mujhko aawaz dena nahi - 2
Don't call out to me
jaa rahe ho agar duur muhjse sanam
If you are going away from me, love,
phir mere paas aana nahi
Then don't come near me
yeh bhi mumkin nahi main palat na saku
This is not possible, I won't be able to turn back
isliye itna wada karo o o o
Therefore, promise me this much,
mujhko aawaz dena nahi - 2
That you won't call out to me.

(mil bhi jaayen agar ham tumhen raah mein
If I ever meet you in your path,
pher lena nazar par milana nahi) - 2
Turn away, don't meet my eyes
dekh lu bhi agar tum hamein bhool se
Even if you look at me by mistake,
apni aankhon mein tum ashk lana nahi
Don't bring tears into my eyes.
dil se humko to tum kar chuke ho juda
You are already distant from my heart,
aankh se bhi girana nahi - 2
Don't let me fall with your eyes.

(tumne maangi dua humko miley har khushi
You prayed that I shall receive every happiness,
tum hi meri khushi phir kyun miley na hamein) - 2
But you are my happiness, why then don't I get you?
tumne li hai kasam gham na karna kabhi
You made me promise that I shall not be sad,
tum sikhado zara muskurana hamein
Then please show me how to smile.
tumne keh toh diya yaad karna nahi
You asked me not to remember you,
khwaab mein tum bhi aana nahi - 4
Then please don't come into my dreams.

jaa rahe ho agar...
If you are leaving...

Created By Rabi

Tere Naam - Tumse Milna Baatein Karna

TUMSE MILNA (Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik)

tumse milna baate.n karna baRa achchha lagta hai... I adore meeting you, speaking with you.
kya hai yeh kyo.n hai yeh kya khabar What this is, and why it is, who knows?
haa.n magar jo bhii hai baRa achchha lagta hai But whatever it is, I adore it.
tumse milna baate.n karna baRa achchha lagta hai I adore meeting you, speaking with you.
kya hai yeh kyo.n hai yeh kya khabar What this is, and why it is, who knows?
haa.n magar jo bhii hai baRa achchha lagta hai But whatever it is, I adore it.
tumse milna baate.n karna baRa achchha lagta hai I adore meeting you, speaking with you
terii chhoTii chhoTii baat terii har ek mulaaqaat taRpaa'e mujhko Your most trivial words, every meeting with you, will torment me,
lamha lamha tera saath... every single moment of your company...
kya hai yeh kyo.n hai yeh kya khabar What this is, and why it is, who knows?
haa.n magar jo bhii hai baRa achchha lagta hai But whatever it is, I adore it.
tumse milna baate.n karna baRa achchha lagta hai I adore meeting you, speaking with you.
bahake bahake mere din mahakii mahakii merii shaam My days pass in a daze, my evenings drenched in scent;
koii aa.nchal pe sadaa On my scarf, always,
mai.n to likhuu.n tera naam... I'll write your name...
kya hai yeh kyo.n hai yeh kya khabar What this is, and why it is, who knows?
haa.n magar jo bhii hai baRa achchha lagta hai But whatever it is, I adore it.
tumse milna baate.n karna baRa achchha lagta hai... I adore meeting you, speaking with you

Created By Rabi

Tere naam

TERE NAAM (Udit Narayan, Alka Yagnik)

tere naam hamne kiya hai jiivan apna saara sanam I've lived my whole life in your name, darling.
jiivan apna saara sanam My whole life, darling,
tere naam... in your name...
tere naam hamne kiya hai jiivan apna saara sanam I've lived my whole life in your name, darling,
jiivan apna saara sanam my whole life, darling.
pyaar bahut karte hai.n tumse ishq hai tuu hamaara sanam I love you so much; you are my love, darling.
ishq hai tuu hamaara sanam You are my love, darling.
tere ishq ne saathiya tera haal kya kar diya... Darling, what state has your love brought me to?
gulshan bhii to ab viiraana lagta hai Even flower gardens now seem desolate.
har apna hamko begaana lagta hai All of my loved ones now seem to me like strangers.
ham terii yaado.n me.n khoye rahate hai.n I remain lost in thoughts of you.
log hame.n paagal diiwaana kahate hai.n People call me crazy, insane.
tere bina... Without you...
naamumkin hai zi.ndagii ka guzaara sanam it's impossible to pass this life, darling,
zi.ndagii ka guzaara sanam the length of life, my love.
laagii chhuuTe.n na... Don't abandon this love...
ishq ka dhaaga TuuTe na Don't break the bonds of passion.
laagii chhuuTe.n na... Don't abandon this love...
ishq ka dhaaga TuuTe na Don't break the bonds of passion.
tere ishq ne saathiya tera haal kya kar diya... Darling, what state has your love brought me to?
nai.no.n se bahate ashko.n ke dhaaro.n me.n Through the flood of tears streaming from my eyes,
hamne tujhko dekha chaa.nd sitaaro.n me.n I saw you in the moon and stars.
virah kii agnii me.n pal pal taptii hai I burn in the fire of separation.
ab to saa.nse.n terii maala japtii hai Now I pray by counting the rise and fall of your breath.
tere li'e... For your sake...
is duniya ka har sitam hai gawaara sanam every atrocity of this world is acceptable to me, darling.
har sitam hai gawaara sanam Every atrocity is acceptable, my love.
tere naam hamne kiya hai jiivan apna saara sanam I've lived my whole life in your name, darling.
jiivan apna saara sanam My whole life, darling,
tere naam... in your name...

Created By Rabi

Kitani Mohabbat hai Title Song

superb song....

Created By Rabi

Sajda - My Name is Khan

I love it..........

Created By Rabi

Chalte Chalte

Why is that even though you love , you hurt each other when you dont want to...............
Why is that even though you love, you end up breaking the heart of the person you love....
Created By Rabi

Chalte Chalte - lai vi na gai

laa'ii vii na ga'ii te nibhaa'ii vii na ga'ii... You did not honor your promises...
mai.n ne maardaa jahaan mai.nu saara (?)
terii merii yuu.n TuuT ga'ii soniye jive TuuTe a.mbar to taara... Your life and mine were snapped apart, darling, like a broken star falling from the sky.
laa'ii vii na ga'ii te nibhaa'ii vi na ga'ii... You did not honor your promises...
sochiya na isii mera pyaar bhuul jaa'e.ngii... I never imagined that you would forget my love.
aine chitte kitte hoy qaraar bhuul jaa'e.ngii All the memories we shared in peace will be forgotten.
qaraar bhuul jaa'e.ngii Peace will be forgotten.
dil milke bichhaR gaya yaara Having joined hearts, we were separated, beloved.
terii merii yuu.n TuuT ga'ii soniye jive TuuTe a.mbar to taara... Your life and mine were snapped apart, darling, like a broken star falling from the sky.
laa'ii vii na ga'ii te nibhaa'ii vii na ga'ii... You did not honor (your promises)...
sachcha rab raakha mu.nh moR jaan vaadiye... My only god is the one of truth; you turned your back on me.
dil leke mera dil toR jaan vaadiye toR jaan vaadiye After taking a heart, my heart, you broke it, darling.
haa'e dil TuuTiya na juRe dubaara Oh, broken hearts won't be joined again.
terii merii yuu.n TuuT ga'ii soniye jive TuuTe a.mbar to taara... Your life and mine were snapped apart, darling, like a broken star falling from the sky.
laa'ii vii na ga'ii te nibhaa'ii bhii na ga'ii... You did not honor (your promises)...
te nibhaa'ii bhii na ga'ii... You didn't even honor (your promises)...
mai.n ne maardaa jahaa.n mai.nu saara I must keep clear of it.
terii merii yuu.n TuuT ga'ii soniye jive TuuTe a.mbar to taara... Your life and mine were broken apart, darling, like a star snapped from the sky.

Created By Rabi

Amu+Ikuto: wanna say Hello...

This couple is SO amazing but weird cuz Amu's like a tween and Ikuto's... not. Still kawaii!!!

anime: Shugo Chara
soing: Hello
song artist: Hawk Nelson

You never ever leave my mind
My sweet, sweet Madeline
Every time I look into your eyes
I feel like I'm alive
And I can barely make a sound
Whenever you're around
You can find me hiding in the crowd
Each time you come to town

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

I try to somehow let you know
That all the way from here to Mexico
You're the one and only girl for me
He-he tu es un, bonjour oui oui
And my tongue gets tied so quick
I get so nervous I'm feeling sick
I turn into the world's worst Romeo
Every time I try to say hello

You're so fine
Been on my mind
Get nervous every time
I see you hop on by

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Every time I want to say hello
Every time I want to stay I go
I never find the words to let you know
Sometimes you plague my mind a million times

Created By Rabi

xaxaxa Horoscopes

Group activities or social events in your neighborhood could put you in touch with new and exciting people who eventually become friends, Sagittarius. Shared goals and interests could give rise to plans for ambitious projects. Whatever enterprises you start today are likely to prove successful if everyone involved pitches in. This evening, enjoy quiet time with your partner.
 Today's celestial configuration could spell a time when your close personal relationship seems to lack that certain excitement. This may come to a head right now, and you need to understand the source of lethargy. It's not that there is no passion, but rather that the passion can be found on another level. It needs to be created by developing the right kind of mood between you.
This day could become very interesting romantically. The alignment of the planets means that there is a way out of all the other tensions and diversions that you experience today. This is, to be honest, a day when passion and deep feelings expressed openly and honestly have a way of relaxing you all over, thus making you feel good about a whole host of other things.

Rabi!! can u proved again... fuuuuuu horoscopes...
everything are on your hands.xaxa funny sounds..
Created By Rabi

Сумерки клип. Тимати

Тону в мартини, моя плотина у реки твоей на пути,
Ищу причины остаться здесь, и ищу причины уйти
Ну как в тебе я убить посмею без края веру в любовь
Ну кто тебе я? Страсть, слёзы, Бог, боль?
Ок, я просто исчезну, хочешь? А хочешь, буду звонить?
Канаты рвутся, а между нами и вовсе тонкая нить.
О нас с тобою не снимут фильма, в моём мобильном гудки
Твоей тоски...

Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом.

Уйти вернутся, и так по кругу, вино и чувство вины
И ты простила и ты готова со мной достать до луны
Ну как тебе я сказать сумею едва ли это любовь
Зачем тебе я? Где я, с кем я, слёзы, боль?
Ок, сегодня останусь, хочешь? А хочешь я пропаду?
Жалеешь после, но поздно просто у сердца на поводу
О нас с тобою не снимут фильма, едва ли это любовь
Я был с тобой...

Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом

Не жги мосты, солнце, ведь ты всё равно вернёшься
На небосклоне луна рассыпала звёзды
Но слишком поздно, у нас всё так серьёзно
Ты не жди меня назад, не моли слёзно
Можно понять, хотя трудно принять
Да, я смог изменять, мне пришлось выбирать
Не хочу тебе врать, мне сложно
Остановись, не перебивай, дай рассказать
И вот опять и опять, плейбэки из телека
Словно на повторе новая истерика
Доплыть бы мне до берега, но корпус "Титаника"
Налетел на айсберг, и началась паника
Обратная динамика тащит меня ко дну
Захлебнувшись в аргументах, я тону
Ощущая глубину мало-помалу
Чувствую что там внизу будет новое начало.

Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом

Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом

Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём
Глупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом
Не сходи с ума, не жалей ни о чём

лупая, ведь ты мне всё простишь потом

Translated by Goooooogle.
Drowning in a martini, my dam the river on your way
Looking for reasons to stay here, and looking for reasons to leave
Well, how about you, I dare to kill without boundary faith in love
Who have I? Passion, tears, God, the pain?
Ok, I just disappear, do you want? Do you want to, I'll call?
Ropes are broken, but between us and did a fine thread.
About to you not to withdraw the film, in my mobile beeps
Your grief ...

Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then
Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me later.

Leaving back, and so a circle, wine and a sense of guilt
And you're forgiven and you're ready to get me to the moon
Well, I tell you I can hardly love
Why do you want me? Where am I, with whom I have the tears, pain?
Ok, now stay, do you want? And I want to be doing?
Are you sorry later, but too late to just have the heart to about
About to you not to withdraw the film, is hardly love
I was with you ...

Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then
Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then

Do not burn bridges, the sun, you're still coming back
On the horizon of the moon scattered stars
But too late, we're so serious
Do not expect me back, not pray tearfully
One can understand, although it is difficult to
Yes, I was able to change, I had to choose
I will not lie to you, it's difficult
Stop, do not interrupt, let me tell
And again and again, pleybeki of telecom
As if to repeat the new hysteria
I could swim to shore, but the body of "Titanic"
Collided with an iceberg, and panic
Contact dynamics dragged me to the bottom
Choking in the arguments, I'm drowning
Feeling the depth gradually
I feel that down there will be a new beginning.

Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then
Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then

Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then
Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then

Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then
Do not be mad, do not be sorry about anything
Silly, because you all will forgive me then

By Rabi

good punishment...

Great day.... I had forgotten to write...this. Well today someone give a useful Punishment which i needed before... I thought that angry,emotion,love,feelings is good, but last some incidents i understand...anger is ego.. Emotion is weakness..and love is not for all .. Only whom have gooood luck only they can love.... And imp that its depend on girl's heart. Feeling gives pain pain... If have a bad luck. goood bad sad happiness... gives more things to alive a person... No needed to broken I'll create myself again.. Without love, emo__... I hope everything should be fine again.. These days...ill be write here about my past, dream,ambition, love..etc.... then i can forget easily ... After last moment of my life...I'll be realized that what i did, which is important in my life time. If i broken... Or died or having smth bad.. End...... Am only 23... Have a big time... money, rich, aristocrat life not enough... What happen... May be my life going to...pooor in a village sad... Xaxaxa... GOD cAn do everything.
Rabi..... U r so stupid, bad person.

Posted By Rabi ......by sms

A Hard Work for me..

Thanks my Januuu.....i'm trying my best level.
Created By Rabi

Learn Russian the Fast and Fun Way

Created By Rabi

Tum Chain Ho (song promo) - Milenge Milenge

Lyrics of Tum Chain Ho Song

Mujhse sanam tum itni mohabbat karo, ke saara zamana jal jaaye
Love me the way, no one's ever loved anyone
Love me the way, no one's ever loved anyone

Love me the way, no one's ever loved anyone - 3 times
Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho
Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho
Barson kiya jiska maine, tum wahi intezaar ho
Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho

Mujhse sanam tum itni mohabbat karo, ke saara zamana jal jaaye
Armaan bade iss dil mein thehre huye
Yeh dil tumhe kaise samjhaaye
Mera khwaab ho, meri yaad ho tum mera aitbaar ho
Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho

I wanna love you right, stand up and lonely fight
Wanna be your side, let the truth decide

Har faasla mere dard ko karta byaan
Tum inn dhadkano mein ho har gadi
Kehne lagi khamoshiyan aye jaan-e-jaan
Hai mujhko umeedein tumse badi
Mehka gayi jo meri zindagi
Tum yaara wahi bahaar ho

Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho
Tum chain ho, karaar ho, mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho
Mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho
Mera ishq ho, mera pyaar ho

Love me the way, no one's ever loved anyone...- By Rabi-

its 4u only..

When I first saw you on my computer screen, your words have kept me in a bond. I love you because of who i am when i'm thinking of you, and I dream of who we would be together, should that ever become possible. You are the one: the first person who doesn't simply look at me or through me, but sees deep into me. You are the only one who holds the key to my soul and knows the combination to my heart. When we chat, I become vulnerable, and I know that my deepest secrets and the things that make me hurt so much are safe with you. I trust you, and I trust myself in your love; because of this we will never again wander this earth alone. You have only to look at our planet, or gaze at the stars we both see, to know that someone cares and always will. Distance has not eliminated the possibilities, but simply made any time together sweet and cherished. Although I need not say it, --it doesn't matter how it is phrased, but how it is felt-- only you can feel it. My heart cried due to our distance of love, but i'm bond with a big promised which i can't break . I know my Love only with me..when she moves  her eyes all around , i feel she can't see me there due to my emotion..
i'm not able to express my love in three words ..... but i want to listen that from ur soul....
Hahaha.... i can't stop to write me...these msg, which i got now from a friend..( lucky)
Beautiful lines : To die in love for someone is not the big thing, to live with that pain with smile forever  is the great real achievement.............

i don't know why this bad situation started in my life..... really destiny playing with human being. i think its play with me.. i think need to wait perfect time.. i thought yesterday lil quarrel but it should be become as well, but no..i was trying to stop myself to create distance between us.. but what i can did.. i try to contact 1st. but it was worsted. i had noticed she was online but only replied " i'm going ..."  but she was conversation with friends.. leave it bad day. Night ....it was a horrible night. Morning... i was mentally preparing that i never contact first. in afternoon i had to do something.  it was not possible today. so in that time i bet with my fate. if it has been done they i'll contact 1st. Hopefully  it done.... really i never forget this hard situation. ( its related my business.)suddenly i look up my laptop.. wow she is online tooo suddenly i had written.... bad, bad, bad.... stupid ...she was seeing my msgs but she ignore it.... i see it first time..that how she's . i hate myselfff tooooooo much. really am stupid ... i'm disturbing .. i try to leave internet .. but its impossible . now... i have lil pain in my head...lil temperature .. need to sleep...........i think i can't  but let's see what's next....

bleeding my love..............

i think now my time & luck is very bad, i'm losing myself . last night i had a bad night, may be i'm not yet conceit that smth had happened by me. i had slept 3am or 3:20am coz i was finding where create misunderstanding... & why happen this. why i i can't create a strong relation with my dream girl. i was so happy ...she was going to see movie (Eclipse 3) i had so interested to discuss about its lovestory , romance .....all. But that was wrong for me. she was tired ..but think & tell me...if a girl is working 11hours & then back to home..with more tiredness bad mood ( official ) . suddenly she is getting her bf call.. what have feeling in that situation . if it is bad then i should tell he is not a lover , just friend.
by the way we were continuing our conversation with touch of love happiness lil sad... in this time i was felling she was becoming lil upset.. due to my poor conversation.. & i was trying my best & changing mood but only replying two certain words .. that was strike in my brain & i stop call ...........& what will be happen in all night with her don't know yet. i can't manege & stopping my ego...
Today all day i'm waiting her response at last in afternoon she comes & msging me.. in this my i had tell ....forgive me, if smth created bad by me.. & she do it suddenly...
Now tell me..what should i think ????????????????????
                                                                                                                                    -By Rabi-


Again i disappointed with my friend.. i know this nth.. but my ego...or some bad feeling which is destroy myself... what need i do..in this situation ??????? in that time i feel she have no time for me. when i conversation with her she replying ... but when i became silent lil then she also . that was problem in that night. when i went to my bed ... i couldn't sleep coz..all night 3 or 4 O'clock early morning i was see all in my closed eyes. every time i thought is it possible that she believe in long relationship or she also think about me. i don't knw..but when honney telling me that lov u ... chomk )) like this i feel she near with me... hug me.. & never she leave me. its not true..may be. coz every body acting here on a special roles. now she becoming a part of my life..which i can't leave. but now still three day i'm silent & she also. she don't trying to meet me or contact me. after all this thing i thought that she may don't understand my feeling.. & again i trying to conversation but she deny ....yes i know that mom always so streak .. but after three day when i call... simply need to receive then u can be told sorry ..we can't talk today ...tomorrow . but......... that was the so bad . forget taht... i have question for you that she loves me. or playing with me. or what.
or this is only dream..?????????????????????????????????
By Rabi

1st day with my friend's mom....

Yesterday I was drunk .. Only one....I know plenty of addicts was engaged yesterday to ... before mid night i was talking with my dream girl.... & may be you know that i can't hide some secret of me. that's why i also told her truth. afterthen she also share with me a lil things that its not good but she was also took 3 year ago. but one another strength that her friends drink & smoke in unusual time & public places i mean at school.... its harm but smoking ..... its very dangerous... AND main thing that i promised with my sweety that i never smoke...

one things which change myself from yesterday when i was talking with my gf's mom.
i'm pleasure that she know me... may be at this moment i can't believe myself that i conversation...with mom. i was trying to respect ....but i can't coz... i hate myself i can't learn yet russik. extremely sorry ... i want told you that " Здравствуйте mom, respecting you.. i'm your daughter's friend who belongs from 7000 miles apart . .......

By Rabi...
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